Film is a weird & random thing. Like life, you don’t know exactly whats going to happen? Or will it work at all? Last year I sent out a myspace post that read. “Anyone want mail?” The first response was from a photographer from Utah named Sam Milianta. We started to exchange photos via the U.S. mail & after a few months I got an envelope with a roll of color print film inside. There was a letter from Sam asking me to put the film in my camera & double expose over what he had already shot. Wow!? This is different I thought? Kinda random but interesting. Of course I put the film on my desk & it was eaten up by all the piles of photos, negatives & the endless junk everywhere. I didn’t see or think about that roll of film for three months until I went on a trip to San Diego with Jason Adams & I found it in a pocket of the coat I brought. Yeah, random? Perfect timing I thought as I loaded it into my Nikon fe2. I actually didn’t think twice about it & went about our weekend at Rhinos taking picture of whatever happened. I even got to shot a skate photo of some kid skating flat ground in front of this big 25ft disk statue thingy. He had a nice 360 flip. Once again I didn’t think twice about the whole thing & it didn’t even matter until I got the film back later that week & all the pictures lined up perfectly. Frame to frame all the pictures were nicely exposed, perfectly aligned & all went together great subject matter wise. This is where it gets weird for me because I didn’t do any exposure compensation of any kind like you’re supposed to, nor did I know where to start the film? I could have been one little sprocket hole off & it would have screwed everything up, but somehow it didn’t. As you can see the pictures turned out great. Who would have known Sam would shoot a picture of a girl wearing a red dress fanning it out directly behind the flat ground 360 flip? I’ve got to give it up to Sam whose great idea was a smashing success. My question is this, an experiment in film or life? Either way it gives me a new hope for my old & mysterious friend Film.
click on sams name above to see all the photos via snackphoto!
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